73 research outputs found

    DCTM: Discrete-Continuous Transformation Matching for Semantic Flow

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    Techniques for dense semantic correspondence have provided limited ability to deal with the geometric variations that commonly exist between semantically similar images. While variations due to scale and rotation have been examined, there lack practical solutions for more complex deformations such as affine transformations because of the tremendous size of the associated solution space. To address this problem, we present a discrete-continuous transformation matching (DCTM) framework where dense affine transformation fields are inferred through a discrete label optimization in which the labels are iteratively updated via continuous regularization. In this way, our approach draws solutions from the continuous space of affine transformations in a manner that can be computed efficiently through constant-time edge-aware filtering and a proposed affine-varying CNN-based descriptor. Experimental results show that this model outperforms the state-of-the-art methods for dense semantic correspondence on various benchmarks

    Memory-guided Image De-raining Using Time-Lapse Data

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    This paper addresses the problem of single image de-raining, that is, the task of recovering clean and rain-free background scenes from a single image obscured by a rainy artifact. Although recent advances adopt real-world time-lapse data to overcome the need for paired rain-clean images, they are limited to fully exploit the time-lapse data. The main cause is that, in terms of network architectures, they could not capture long-term rain streak information in the time-lapse data during training owing to the lack of memory components. To address this problem, we propose a novel network architecture based on a memory network that explicitly helps to capture long-term rain streak information in the time-lapse data. Our network comprises the encoder-decoder networks and a memory network. The features extracted from the encoder are read and updated in the memory network that contains several memory items to store rain streak-aware feature representations. With the read/update operation, the memory network retrieves relevant memory items in terms of the queries, enabling the memory items to represent the various rain streaks included in the time-lapse data. To boost the discriminative power of memory features, we also present a novel background selective whitening (BSW) loss for capturing only rain streak information in the memory network by erasing the background information. Experimental results on standard benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of our approach

    Semantic-aware Network for Aerial-to-Ground Image Synthesis

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    Aerial-to-ground image synthesis is an emerging and challenging problem that aims to synthesize a ground image from an aerial image. Due to the highly different layout and object representation between the aerial and ground images, existing approaches usually fail to transfer the components of the aerial scene into the ground scene. In this paper, we propose a novel framework to explore the challenges by imposing enhanced structural alignment and semantic awareness. We introduce a novel semantic-attentive feature transformation module that allows to reconstruct the complex geographic structures by aligning the aerial feature to the ground layout. Furthermore, we propose semantic-aware loss functions by leveraging a pre-trained segmentation network. The network is enforced to synthesize realistic objects across various classes by separately calculating losses for different classes and balancing them. Extensive experiments including comparisons with previous methods and ablation studies show the effectiveness of the proposed framework both qualitatively and quantitatively.Comment: ICIP 2021. Code is available at https://github.com/jinhyunj/SANe

    Hierarchical Visual Primitive Experts for Compositional Zero-Shot Learning

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    Compositional zero-shot learning (CZSL) aims to recognize unseen compositions with prior knowledge of known primitives (attribute and object). Previous works for CZSL often suffer from grasping the contextuality between attribute and object, as well as the discriminability of visual features, and the long-tailed distribution of real-world compositional data. We propose a simple and scalable framework called Composition Transformer (CoT) to address these issues. CoT employs object and attribute experts in distinctive manners to generate representative embeddings, using the visual network hierarchically. The object expert extracts representative object embeddings from the final layer in a bottom-up manner, while the attribute expert makes attribute embeddings in a top-down manner with a proposed object-guided attention module that models contextuality explicitly. To remedy biased prediction caused by imbalanced data distribution, we develop a simple minority attribute augmentation (MAA) that synthesizes virtual samples by mixing two images and oversampling minority attribute classes. Our method achieves SoTA performance on several benchmarks, including MIT-States, C-GQA, and VAW-CZSL. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of CoT in improving visual discrimination and addressing the model bias from the imbalanced data distribution. The code is available at https://github.com/HanjaeKim98/CoT.Comment: ICCV 202
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